2024 Palmetto Dunes Resort
Tennis Membership Form

* Membership rates will be pro‐rated for the first year of membership only.
** A dependent shall be defined as one who is under 21 years of age, unmarried and whose permanent residence is with their parents.
Guest Fees: Doubles (2 hours, per person) $12.00
Benefits of a Palmetto Dunes Tennis Center Membership
Court reservations 7 days in advance for 1‐ or 2‐hour blocks. Additional court time is available on a walk‐on basis. ***
Court time is for person(s) listed on the application only. Any guests shall be responsible for applicable guest fees at the above‐mentioned rate.
Members receive ten hours of complimentary guest court time, a 20% discount in the Pro Shop on all items marked at full retail, 10% additional on sale items, a 50% discount on all PDTC run Round Robins, reduced rates on leagues, lessons, clinics, stringing ($5 off) and complimentary tokens for night play. Members receive a $5 discount on entry fees to tournaments run by the Tennis Center excluding charity events.
Any of these offerings may be withdrawn at any time by the management of the program.
*** Except in high demand periods as determined by GDC Management.